Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Since I won't be at the movie I thought I'd write some background about the movie, without ruining the story. A little interesting fact is that Metropolis was the most expensive movie to ever be produced at the time, 1927. It cost around 7 million Reichsmark, the music that will be in the background was added later on and was not part of the original movie. For those who are history buffs this is right before hyper-inflation took a hold of Germany. The reason that their isn't a complete version is because Hitler put this on his banned movies list and confiscated all the copies, and with the allied bombings, most of everything was destroyed. Once you get past the massive amount of makeup on all the actors and actresses (that's Expressionism for you) the story is really interesting, at least to me. When I first saw it I could hardly believe some of the special effects could actually be done back in 1927, most likely because they built really good models for the film.

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