Monday, January 21, 2008

Time Machine Thoughts

I felt the reading was quite interesting. However, I feel that conflict will never depart from humanity. I mainly feel this way because the world past and present has always focused on the differences, not similarities in humanity. If humanity does atrophy, like Wells suggests, I think the differences will only grow and that there will not be two classes, but multiple that will be locked in combat.

1 comment:

Zakahi said...

I am not entirely sure my comment was clear. I thought Wells was proposing that ultimately we, as humans, will begin to regress as a species (assuming that progression as a species means being technologically and culturally sophisticated). Like Wells I do not doubt our ability to overcome any obstacle, but unlike Wells I do not believe that there are a finite number of obstacles upon which we can exercise our mental muscle. And I do not believe in some attainable pinnacle of humanity from which we can only descend. The scale of the universe is too large and the size of humanity too small for us to ever have done everything.